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How do I structure

my Talent Acquisition Department?

Hold your horses, cowboy!
Let’s start with the right question:
why should you hire me in the first place?


  • I have trained more than 15 sourcing teams on site around Europe

  • I have helped 4 companies set up their internal sourcing teams

In fact, I have even spent a whole year at Philip Morris International helping them set up their entire business model around sourcing. Together, we set up new ways of working in a global agile and scalable structure with embedded escalation processes. The structure setup at PMI is recognised today as one of the most advanced sourcing models in the world to date.

How’s that for street creds?


Why should you have sourcers inside your company?

Yup, that’s a second question worth asking before we move on.

Short answer: because then you will have your recruiting department on steroids

Time spent hiring will go down: your team will find targets faster and zero in with matching speed.

External recruitment costs will fall drastically: you won’t need those external agencies any more.

Your market knowledge will increase: you will know who’s who and who’s doing what and how open they are to working for you.

The quality of new hires will go up: you will know who you hire and they will know who you are – that’s a recipe for better matching.

Diversity will increase: your recruitment pool will become an ocean full of brightly coloured fish, so you will have all the diversity you need.

Your employer brand will flourish: because that’s what will help you choose the best of the best for your company.

Retention will be a breeze: the people will come because it’s you. So they will stay for the same reasons!


Want me to improve your Sourcing skills?

Welcome to "The People Attraction Theory"

My "WHY", as Simon Sinek would say, is to help Sourcing grow and be recognized worldwide as strategic and help implement it


To do so, I have started my own training program, with its dedicated website and brand as I'm doing it collaboratively with others.


Onsite bootcamps: 2 days to bootstrap your sourcing skills

So can tailor made this together but basically, here is what I’m going to teach:

  • How to become über-nerds and comb the web for top profiles

  • How to start the conversation with those profiles in a way that will spark interest.

  • How to apply Agile methodology to sourcing

  • How to use that methodology to make your hiring managers and recruiting managers happy as can be

I’ll spend time with your teams and pass on my knowledge, teach them and coach them the whole way through. And when I leave, they’ll be fully autonomous. 

This is a 2 day onsite training program (in my office or yours). Max participants of 8 per session.

Online: at your own pace

No matter where you're based, you want to learn how to source? I have set up "the People Attraction Theory" just for this.

  • More than just the how, it is about the mentality, identify the problem and think like a sourcer.

  • Find everything I teach onsite but in bite size version.

  • Take the time you need, you have full access for 1 year.

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